Outdoor gear and equipment needs protection, Overland Vehicle Systems answers with the Dry Box Storage (D.B.S.). The Dry Boxes are designed rugged and built to travel the harshest outdoor environments on the trails or wherever your travel takes you. Overland Vehicle Systems Dry Storage Boxes are tough boxes and designed with the outdoor enthusiast in mind.
You can expect the Overland Vehicle Systems Dry Boxes are manufactured to withstand the elements, provide excellent performance and durability. The Dry Doxes are manufactured from Durable Polyethylene LLLDPE Material, built-in Strength Ridges to add structural durability, Military Grade Dustproof and Waterproof Gasket Seal, Ballistic Handles, Heavy Duty Latches, and Perfect weighted lid to ensure a tight seal when closed.
- Bottle opener.
- Two locking points.
- Heavy duty latches.
- Handles.
- Dustproof & waterproof seal.
Application: Universal Usage; The Overland Vehicle Systems Dry Storage Box is ideal for storing your tools, dry goods, recovery gear, clothes, or anything you need to keep dry during your Outdoors Adventures. Automotive, Marine, RV, SXS, Off Road, Overland, Camping, Hunting Gear, Fishing Gear, and etc.
- 95 quart capacity.
- Durable polyethylene, LLLDPE material.
- 2 handles.
- 2 latches.
- Dustproof/waterproof gasket seal.
- Bottle opener.
- Drain.
- External dimensions:
- width 31.10" x length 18.31" x depth 16.81"
- Internal dimensions:
- Internal box: width 25" x length 12 1/4" x height 12"
- Box lid cavity: width 24 1/2" x length 11 1/2" x height 1 1/2"